Bloomberg Distinguished Professorships


The Bloomberg Distinguished Professorships team provides a comprehensive set of ongoing, administrative, grants management, and communication services to BDPs and BDP clusters.

Have a question about how the program can support your work as a BDP? Contact our team.

Our team supports BDPs starting during recruitment and continuing throughout their careers at Johns Hopkins University.

  • Manage active and pending searches and promote the program to JHU departments to encourage new searches
  • Provide guidance for candidates and divisions throughout the recruitment process
  • Orient BDPs to Johns Hopkins and Baltimore
  • Foster collaborations within the BDP community
  • Create programming to connect BDPs to the JHU community, encourage intra-cohort networking, and attend cultural, educational, and outreach events
  • Troubleshoot and provide guidance for BDPs in the JHU administrative ecosystem
  • Oversee the planning, direction, and evaluation of BDP financial resources

The BDP Central Administration Team (BCAT) provides dedicated support for the BDP program.

  • Provide recruitment support for all BDP searches
  • Arrange and coordinate travel logistics for candidates
  • Onboard new BDPs
  • Organize and facilitate meetings, conferences, retreats, and symposiums
  • Pre- and post-award research administration support for BDPs
  • Graphic design and science writing services for proposals
  • Work in close collaboration with departmental staff to ensure they are up to date on BDP- and BDP-cluster relevant information

Our team provides BDPs and BDP clusters with tailored marketing and communications assistance.

  • General promotion of BDP accomplishments to Johns Hopkins audiences
  • Marketing assistance (advertising, planning, and placement)
  • Training and support for new communications tools
  • Content creation, editing, and refinement for University channels including the JHU Hub, social media channels, and divisional websites
  • Provide support for BDPs interested in participating in the Johns Hopkins University Wavelengths book series