Planetary Health
Addressing the complex problem of climate change will require humanity to identify and promote solutions that maximize synergies and minimize conflicts between human health and climate adaptation and mitigation. This cluster will develop mitigation and adaptation strategies to combat the health effects of climate change in an equitable, adoptable, sustainable, and economically feasible manner.
Our investment
This cluster’s investment in research includes: 4 Bloomberg Distinguished Professorships and 4 junior faculty positions. These faculty, along with the cluster leads, will collaborate together along with existing Johns Hopkins faculty on this important area of research.
This cluster aims to build a program at JHU that addresses the challenge of the 21st Century that impacts every other challenge we face. Cluster scholars will synergistically address major gaps in the research agenda and also provide policy solutions that consider local context and methods to effectively implement viable methods of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Interested in this cluster? Contact us to learn more.