Bloomberg Distinguished Professorships


The BDP Cluster Initiative features faculty-developed interdisciplinary clusters that are recruiting new BDPs and junior faculty to conduct transformational research in crucial fields. BDP clusters offer unparalleled levels of support, including access to equipment and core research facilities. Additional post-doctoral researchers, graduate students, and support staff ensure the cluster’s success.

The development of BDP clusters is a grassroots process reflective of the leadership and vision of the Johns Hopkins faculty. During the initial phase of BDP cluster selection, faculty members from across the university, including many current BDPs, joined together to develop multi-disciplinary research cluster proposals aimed at keeping Johns Hopkins at the forefront of addressing the world’s greatest challenges. Distinguished external faculty evaluated the proposals and submitted recommendations to Johns Hopkins deans, directors, the provost, and the president for final selection.

As part of the recently announced Johns Hopkins Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Institute, the BDP program will evaluate and select a new set of BDP clusters that will serve as cornerstones in the research program at the Institute.

See below for more detailed descriptions of each cluster, including their vision statements, research focus areas, and total investments in both Bloomberg Distinguished Professorships and junior faculty positions.

Explore our clusters