Nilanjan Chatterjee

Biostatistics and Genetic Epidemiology
Department of Biostatistics, Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Oncology, School of Medicine

Nilanjan Chatterjee is a highly multi-disciplinary scientist with expertise in statistics, genetics, and epidemiology who has developed an integrated program of methodological research to investigate the genetic and environmental causes of cancers and other chronic diseases. He produces new ways to effectively analyze big data in order to gain a better understanding of these genetic and environmental causes, as well as to determine how genetic markers can be used for risk predictions, informing individualized strategies for prevention and epidemiologic study designs.

Chatterjee has collaborated extensively on modern large scale genome-wide association studies of cancers and has applied novel methods to identify new susceptibility variants, characterize gene-environment interactions, provide insight into biological mechanisms underlying genetic associations, develop models for risk prediction, and evaluate risk-based strategies for disease prevention. Chatterjee is also conducting statistical foundational research for building complex models through integration of multiple disparate data sources. His laboratory consistently publishes in prestigious, high-impact journals across disciplines including statistics, genetics, and clinical medicine, and his work on breast cancer risk modelling has been widely covered by popular media, including Time Magazine, LA Times, and NBC News.

Chatterjee joined Johns Hopkins University as a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor in 2016 from the National Institutes of Health.

Measures of Excellence

President's Award
Committee of the Presidents of Statistical Societies, 2011
106 h-index
Google Scholar, 5/17/2024
Mortimer Spiegelman Award
The American Public Health Association, 2010
47,0000+ citations
of Chatterjee's research (Google Scholar)